McBride Elementary School HVAC Restorations


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 1/25/23 3:30pm
Bid Date 2/15/23 3:00pm

Company & Contacts

St Helens School District
Jessica Seay  

A. These documents constitute an Invitation to Bid to General Contractors for the construction of
the project described below.
B. Non-Mandatory Walk-through: 3:30 PM, Wednesday, January 25, 2023.
C. Bids due: 3:00 pm, Wednesday, February 15, 2023 .
D. Sealed bids will be received by Jessica Seay for the District until the Deadline at the St. Helens
School District Administrative Office, 474 N. 16th Street, Oregon 97051.
E. The Bids will be opened publicly and read out loud immediately after the deadline for
submission of bids. Late Bids will not be considered.
A. The St. Helens School District #502 (District) is centered in St. Helens, Oregon, and serves the
surrounding areas in Columbia County within its boundary. The District serves approximately
3,000 students in grades K-12.
B. The District is posting this invitation to bid (ITB) and seeking written proposals from qualified
vendors to provide general contractor services for the McBride Elementary School HVAC
Renovations project McBride Elementary School.
C. It is the District’s intention to determine the most responsible Proposer through evaluation of
various criteria as described in this ITB.
D. The successful Proposer will provide necessary resources, coordination, and cooperation to
assure that services are responsive to the needs of the District and are consistent with district
policy, state requirements, and all other applicable laws and regulations.
E. The contract will be awarded to the Proposer whose proposal best meets the District’s needs. It
is the District’s intention to determine the best, responsive, and responsible Proposer pursuant
to the following criteria outlined in this ITB.
F. District officials may hold discussions with representatives of Proposers who submit proposals
determined to be reasonably susceptible of being selected for award. Any clarification of a
proposal by Proposer shall be in writing. The District will keep a detailed record of all
G. It is understood that the District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or waive any
informality in a proposal. It is expressly contemplated that no contract exists on the part of the
District until formal written notice has been given or until an agreement is executed. It is
understood that the Board of Directors reserves the right to award a contract for the proposal in
the manner deemed to be in the best interest of the District.
A. The project consists of providing a controls upgrade for one of the McBride Elementary School
air handlers, AC-2, and the associated terminal units. The new control system shall be Johnson
Metasys and provide enough capacity for the entirety of the building’s HVAC systems to be
A. A NONMANDATORY pre-bid conference and walk-through has been scheduled for 3:30 pm
on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 local time. It is recommended that attendance to the walkthrough
is done to understand the complexity of the project. The location of the conference will
be at the main office of McBride Elementary School, 2774 Columbia Blvd, St Helens, Oregon
97051. All Prime Bidders wishing to submit a bid are required to attend this conference.
Statements made by the District’s representatives at the conference are not binding upon the
District unless confirmed in writing by Addendum.
B. Last Request for Substitution Due: 8 days prior to due date of bids.
C. Last Request for Information Due: 8 days prior to due date of bids.
D. Bid Due Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 on or before 3:00 PM local time.
E. Bid Opening: Same day, 3:01 PM local time.
F. Recommendation to School Board. Contract Award: February 22, 2023.
G. Notice of Intent to Award: February 24, 2023.
H. Notice to Proceed: ~February 27, 2023
I. The Owner reserves the right to change the schedule or terminate the entire procurement
process at any time.
A. Bid Bond Required:
1. Each Bid must be submitted on the prescribed form and accompanied by a Surety Bond,
cashier’s check, or certified check, executed in favor of St Helens School District #502, in
the amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid.
B. First Tier Subcontractors List:
1. Either with the Bid or within 2 working hours of the Deadline for Submission of Bids,
bidders shall submit, on the form provided, information first tier subcontractors furnishing
labor or labor and materials, as provided in DRS 279C.370. Bids for which disclosure
forms are required, but not submitted, will be rejected. No bid for a construction contract
will be received or considered unless the Bidder is registered with the Construction
Contractors Board at the time the Bid is made, as required by OAR 137-049-0230. A
license to work with asbestos-containing materials under DRS 468A.720 is not required
for this project.
C. Each Bid shall contain a statement indicating whether the Bidder is a “resident bidder”, as
defined in ORS 279A.120.
D. Each Bid shall contain a statement that the Contractor agrees to be bound by and will comply
with the provisions of DRS 279C.800 through 279C.870 regarding payment of Prevailing
E. Contractor shall certify nondiscrimination in obtaining required subcontractor, in accordance
with DRS 279A.110(4).
F. Each Bid shall be submitted and accompanied by the following documents:
1. Section 00 4200 – Form of Bid Bond
2. Section 00 4519 – Affidavit of Non-Collusion.
3. Section 00 4536 – Certification of Non-Discrimination
4. Section 00 4545 – Employee Drug Testing
G. St Helens School District #502 reserves the right to:
1. (1) Reject any or all Bids not in compliance with all public bidding procedures and
2. (2) Postpone or cancel the award of contract entirely.
A. Bidders may obtain bidding documents beginning January 11, 2023 from:
1. Posted on district website at
2. Willamette Print and Blueprint Inc. website at